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The Amazon region is home to thousands of plant species, many of which are rich in natural properties and used for traditional medicine and nutrition. In this blog entrance, we'll introduce you to ten exotic fruits native to the Amazon rainforest that not only tantalize your taste buds but also offer numerous health benefits. Whether you're planning an eco-friendly trip to the Amazon or simply curious about the region's biodiversity, read on to learn more about these unique and nutritious fruits.

Amazon Indigenous Macambo Fruit
Amazon fruit Macambo

  1. Acai Berry: Acai is a small, purple fruit that grows on palm trees in the Amazon region. It is rich in antioxidants, fiber, and heart-healthy fats, making it a popular superfood around the world.

  2. Cupuacu: Cupuacu is a round, brown fruit with a creamy white pulp and a slightly sour flavor. It is a good source of vitamin C, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids, making it an excellent immune booster.

  3. Camu Camu: Camu Camu is a small, red berry with a tangy taste that grows in the Amazon region. It is packed with vitamin C, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties, which support healthy skin and immune function.

  4. Graviola: Graviola, also known as soursop, is a large green fruit with a sweet and tangy flavor. It is high in vitamin C, fiber, and minerals, and is used in traditional medicine to support digestive health.

  5. Uxi: Uxi is a small, green fruit that grows in the Amazon region. It is a good source of vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants and is often used to promote female reproductive health.

Amazon Chontaduro
Amazon Chontaduro

  1. Buriti: Buriti is a small, orange fruit with a nutty flavor. It is rich in vitamin A, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids, which support healthy skin and eye function.

  2. Bacaba: Bacaba is a small, purple fruit with a mild taste. It is rich in fiber, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties, which support healthy digestion and immune function.

  3. Tapereba: Tapereba is a small, yellow fruit with a tangy flavor. It is high in vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants, which support healthy skin and immune function.

  4. Pupunha: Pupunha is a small, orange fruit with a sweet and creamy flavor. It is a good source of vitamin C, fiber, and minerals and is often used in traditional medicine to support heart health.

  5. Araza: Araza is a small, yellow fruit with a sweet and tangy flavor. It is high in vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants, which support healthy digestion and immune function.

Amazon Camu Camu Fruit
Amazon Camu Camu Fruit

The Amazon region is a treasure trove of biodiversity, offering a vast array of exotic fruits with unique and powerful health properties. Whether you're an eco-friendly traveler or simply a curious foodie, be sure to try these ten native fruits of the Amazon and experience their delicious and nutritious benefits firsthand.


The Amazon rainforest, often referred to as the "lungs of our planet," is an invaluable ecosystem that plays a crucial role in maintaining global climate stability and biodiversity. However, the Amazon region has been subject to extensive deforestation in recent decades, leading to severe environmental consequences. In this blog, we delve into the importance of reforesting the Amazon and why it demands our immediate attention.

The Amazon rainforest is not just a vast expanse of trees; it's a living, breathing ecosystem that sustains life on Earth. It serves as a critical carbon sink, absorbing enormous amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere, a major greenhouse gas responsible for global warming. By reforesting the Amazon, we can enhance its capacity to absorb CO2 and mitigate the adverse effects of climate change.

Biodiversity conservation is another paramount reason to restore the Amazon rainforest. This vibrant ecosystem is home to an astonishing array of plant and animal species, many of which are found nowhere else on the planet. The destruction of their habitats due to deforestation poses a severe threat to their survival. Reforestation efforts can help restore their homes and provide a sanctuary for countless species teetering on the brink of extinction.

The Amazon rainforest also plays a crucial role in regulating the water cycle, influencing rainfall patterns not just in South America but across the globe. The dense canopy of trees acts as a natural umbrella, intercepting rainfall and preventing soil erosion. By reforesting the Amazon, we can help restore this delicate balance, ensuring a sustainable water supply for both local communities and distant regions that rely on the Amazon's hydrological cycle.

Furthermore, reforestation initiatives in the Amazon can have positive social and economic impacts. Local communities, including indigenous populations, heavily depend on the forest for their livelihoods, traditional knowledge, and cultural heritage. By involving these communities in reforestation efforts, we can empower them, create sustainable jobs, and foster a sense of stewardship and connection to their ancestral lands.

Reforesting the Amazon region is not a choice; it is an urgent necessity. It is a collective responsibility to protect and restore this invaluable ecosystem that benefits us all. By investing in reforestation initiatives, we can combat climate change, preserve biodiversity, safeguard water resources, and uplift local communities. Let us join hands and take action to restore the lungs of our planet, the magnificent Amazon rainforest, for a sustainable and thriving future.

Travellers can join us in this amazing project. Contact us and be part of it!



Tarapoto Amazonas Jungle Tours.
Tarapoto Amazonas Jungle Tours.

Visiting the Colombian Amazon may be a 'one in a life time' experience for hundreds of travelers who take the risk to go further, with many different expectations; most common: wildlife/wild species watching, cultural heritage show/exchange and the greatest breathtaking landspaces viewing. But many times, these expectations turn blurry when other aspects (fears, reviews, budget, interests, etc,...) are taken into account on the visitor's choise picking the tour provider.

That is why we dedicate this blog to spreading content about how travelers can decide when to visit this vast world of water and the most exotic species that can ever be seen in this magical place. The experience might be very rewarding for those who fulfill their expectations and have the best adventure of their lives, but also it might turn into a pretty frustrating experience if expectations go completely opposite the reality.

Calderon River in the Colombian Amazon Rainforest
Calderon River in the Colombian Amazon Rainforest

But, how can you plan your trip to the Amazons conciously and according to your expectations? You can siply follow these rules:

Rule #1

Respect above all.

Cluster of freshly cut acai from the tree by local man. Colombian Amazon rainforest
Cluster of freshly cut acai from the tree by local man. Colombian Amazon rainforest

Colombia is a country full of contrasts. People, weather, landscapes vary from one region to others. That is why many visitors come to Colombia and get the challenge to have a first glance before falling in love with the complete country. Indiginous people are part of this constrast as well, and Amazonas is home for people from different ethnic groups that migrated years ago from other regions of Colombia for different reasons.

The real Omaguas from the old Amazons extinguished during 'La epoca del caucho' and these people came to replace part of the legacy and knowledge Omaguas left after this tragical period.

Ticunas, huitotos, boras, yaguas, macunas, cocamas, and many more came along the great river to give the Amazons a second chance to be the perfect paradise to live in, and they have been through their own evolution process, compained by the State of Colombia and part of the laws. That is why they may look similar to Colombian people and they are used to many things we all use nowadays. Please, we invite you all, respectfully, to internalize this fact and be open to what these people have to share with you. Even if they are not wearing top feathers and loinclothes, we should be respectful to their culture and remember that 'the important thing is what you know, not what you wear'.

Rule #2

Agree to your expectations.

Amazon Rainforest camp in Colombia.
Colombian Amazon rainforest camp with Tarapoto Amazonas Jungle Tours

Are you looking for a 5 stars resort with warm water tub, all areas wi-fi covered and rooms perfectly clean from mosquitos and bugs? Then skip the Amazons for now.

We are completely positive you will find thousands of destinations where you can get exactly that and you won't get a bad experience enduring the wildness and remoteness that can only be found in Leticia and surroundings. In 2018 it was built the third signal tower in town, popullation 30.000 people living and using their smart phones (not counting visitors) trying to get data and calls all from only three signal towers. Please, admit it, we are 20 years late technologically talking, but we donā€™t need it! There are so many different things to see here, that you won't need that technology maybe in weeks, if you are looking for a different adventure. That's what the Amazon offers, adventures, real unforgettable experiences full of knowledge and remarkable moments among wildlife and amazing indigenous people.

Rule #3

Get over Hollywood movies. 'Non but ourselves can free our minds.' B.M.

Wild snake in Amazonas Colombia
Hunter snake in Amazonas Colombia

Hollywood has told us anacondas will come across the river and try to eat us alive. Well, then thousands of anacondas would be living behind Puerto NariƱoā€™s dock waiting for party time when visitors get near. Or maybe a huge caiman will come towards our trip group in the middle of the jungle and try to get us apart to have an easier bait. Hollywood's mistake. Wild species won't attact in their natural environment unless they feel threathed by any human being. This is the most cherished rule in the jungle. Anyone who proclaims needing a shotgun for being safe in the jungle, is a hunter, and because of them we won't see any of these species living near anymore.

Rule #4

Be practical. Minimalism is your friend when packaging to Amazonas

Traveling by kayak. One remarkable experience in Amazonas Colombia.
Traveling by kayak. One remarkable experience in Amazonas Colombia.

When you are visiting Vegas, you may need a complete makeover 'arsenal', the best suit to wear and all the accessories that go perfect with it. But visiting the Amazons requires another kind of luggage, having in mind how long you are staying and the places you are visiting. There are some tips about what to bring to Amazonas. Don't expect your tour provider to give you all the instructions about what to get in you bag unless you ask them. You may have your own personal bag with all these items we reccommend you take before arriving in the Amazons:

1. Long sleeved shirt and trousers, not heavy.

2. Socks for wearing rain boots when needed.

3. Mosquitos repelent of personal preference.

4. Flashlight with extra batteries.

5. Light weight shoes.

6. Cash. This sounds weird, but due to the remoteness, it can get a little bit difficult to use Visa or any other electronic payment method. In leticia you can find a few ATM and some places accept Visa, but not all work with foreign cards. In Puerto NariƱo you won't find any ATM. So, make sure you have enough cash to cover all your expenses when you get there.

Rule #5

The most important rule. A life's rule: Be Happy

Vegan food for eco friendly travelers. As happy as they can be.
Vegan food for eco friendly travelers. As happy as they can be.

Smile. Remember your childhood. Amazonas is a place to embrace nature and to be thankful about the great fact we have the chance to enjoy all of it. Fauna, flora and people that will change your life for ever. Put this first on your 'things to do' list when you get in Amazonas and then you will understand the title of this blog, which is not a random thing, it is a fact for many of us who decided to take the risk to go further.

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